Thursday, January 22, 2009

"The whip cream game"

Living up here has been so much fun! (especially now that i changed apartments) and I love my room mates, they are awesome. One night after family home evening some kids from our ward brought their guitars over and a can of whipped cream for a "after FHE party" ha ha. It was hilarious! you put a glob of whipped cream on your hand, hit your wrist with the other hand (causing it to fly in the air) then your supposed to catch it in your mouth. By the time we got done whipped cream was plastered on everything. (including the ceiling) We made fools of our selves but it was so much fun, ha ha we'll have to do it again when all my room mates are home!

1 comment:

Cassie Mickelsen said...

That looks like fun! And I am so glad that you are living up there. That's awesome that you and Hailey are roomies. I hope to see you around our house in oh about......a week or so!